Midsemester Analysis Program (MAPs)

One of the Center’s primary functions is to offer consultation to colleagues seeking advice and information on instructional concerns. As an enhancement to this function, the Center offers individual faculty members a midsemester analysis (MAPs). This is an opportunity to receive feedback on students’ learning experiences during the middle of their course, when there is time to make adjustments or improvements.

The midsemester analysis is a three-step process involving the course instructor, students in the instructor’s class, and a trained MAPs facilitator. The first step is a conference between the instructor and the facilitator, so that the instructor can learn more about the analysis process. The next step is to have the facilitator come to the class and carry out the analysis, which takes place during the first or last half hour of class. 

The MAPs facilitator asks students to respond to three prompts:

  • What do you like most about this course and/or the instructor’s teaching of it?
  • What about this course and/or the instructor’s teaching of it needs change or improvement?
  • What suggestions can you offer that would help make this course a better learning experience for you?

The facilitator then conducts discussion with the students regarding their responses with the goal of arriving at consensus regarding feedback that will be provided to the course instructor. The third step is a conference between the instructor and the facilitator in which they discuss the students’ comments and the instructor’s reaction to them. If asked and if appropriate, at this point the facilitator may wish to offer suggestions about how the instructor can go about changes in accordance with student responses.

If you would like to request a midsemester analysis or learn more about getting trained to be a MAPs facilitator, please contact the CTE.

Center for Teaching Excellence

Feinstein Academic Center, Room 303